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The FBI Bride: An Undercover Bridesmaid Romance Page 3
The FBI Bride: An Undercover Bridesmaid Romance Read online
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“I, Chloe Romano, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
There was a brief pause, and then Agent Wells leaned into the microphone, her blond hair pulled into a tight bun at the nape of her neck, while her eyes seemed to take in the entire group of fifty all at the same time. “Congratulations, NATs. Welcome to the Academy.”
A short burst of clapping erupted as the NATs cheered, pent-up excitement spilling over.
Agent Fedorko motioned for them to sit again. “Congratulations, NATs,” he said in his even toned voice. “You were each chosen to be a part of the Federal Bureau of Investigation because of your college scores and experience, as well as work training and the scores you received on the various application tests. You’re the cream of the crop, but we expect that same diligence, expertise, and intelligence to be on display every single day. Graduating from Quantico will take all of your mental and physical strength and endurance. Not all of you will graduate, so never take your acceptance here for granted. This is the hardest thing you will have ever done before. You will not see your families or friends or significant others until graduation. You will not be allowed off the Quantico compound until the halfway point of your training. Khaki will become your favorite color, and the food will become the best you’ve ever eaten—so get used to it.”
There were a few murmurs and glances at each other.
“I love the color brown already,” Jenna murmured under her breath while Chloe reached over to squeeze her hand with a big smile.
Agent Wells stepped forward again. “I can guarantee that your Quantico training will take you to your breaking point. We’re also watching for grit and determination and unflinching fortitude. Your training will be broken down into three categories: classroom, firearms, and defensive tactics. In the classroom, you’ll learn about more than 300 federal violations the FBI enforces, along with interview techniques, informant development, report writing, terrorism, Counterintelligence operations, Constitutional Law, White Collar Crime, Organized Crime, Civil Rights, Cybercrime, and Public Corruption.”
Without missing a beat, Agent Fedorko added, “Your instructors are experienced FBI agents and educators. You will take regular exams that require a minimum score of 80 to pass. If you score below 80 on one exam, you get one more chance to pass. If you fail that second chance, you are sent home. For example, it’s not unusual for NATs to fail the ‘Legal II’ exam which covers advanced criminal procedure and constitutional law—I even know of NATs who are attorneys who failed that exam. Usually half your day is spent in a classroom, and the other half is spent either on the firearms range with a semi-automatic pistol, a shotgun, and a M-4 machine gun or in Defensive Tactics—in the gym or outside—including learning how to arrest someone without getting killed.”
Chloe’s fingers were typing so fast on her phone taking notes, she hadn’t noticed that the door to the auditorium had opened.
She felt rather than heard Jenna give a low gasp beside her and Chloe snapped her head around to stare at her friend wondering what had elicited the sudden intake of breath.
Agent Fedorko spoke a little louder. “And now, I will introduce someone who will be guiding this class through some of the physical and defensive training. May I introduce Special Agent Liam Esposito.”
Agent Fedorko stepped away from the lectern, allowing a second man to come forward where he reached out to grip the sides of the lectern. He faced the group of NATs with confidence and squared shoulders, his large frame dwarfing the other two agents.
The air left Chloe’s lungs. No, it couldn’t be. It was the man from the airport—the man with the face and body that had sent her into the stratosphere. What was he doing here?
Her phone dangled from her fingers, and Jenna reached over to scoop it up out of her hand so she didn’t drop it. “Unbelievable!” Jenna whispered in a low voice.
A choked sound came from Chloe’s throat and she tried not to splutter.
Her eyes were riveted to Special Agent Liam Esposito—because all of a sudden, Liam instantly picked her out of the sea of khaki and blue polo shirts. At that very moment, his deep chocolate eyes stared into the depths of her brown eyes, giving her a smile that Chloe knew was meant exactly for her.
Chapter 4
One minute Chloe was typing notes about the orientation, and the next L. Esposito was standing at the microphone with his towering stature, broad chest, and those bulging biceps straining at his navy-blue suit coat.
If she had been doubting herself before, the fact was now indisputably right in front of her. Agent Esposito was the best male specimen Chloe had ever seen. In every single way. His gorgeous looks, his sexy voice, his incredible physique—and that wickedly charming smile.
He looked even more devastatingly gorgeous than at the airport, and now the man had turned into a freaking FBI Agent no less!
All at once, the flippant words he’d spoken at the airport before disappearing in the crowd floated through her brain . . . “If I told you my secrets, I’d have to kill you.”
Well, he got that one right. He was a man of many, many secrets. Waves of attraction and exasperation bubbled through Chloe’s chest.
She should have known that a guy with that kind of body and looks and killer, secret smile within fifty miles from Quantico had a good chance of being an FBI Agent. Her intuition must be sorely lacking. Why hadn’t she figured him out at the luggage carousel? Mr. Esposito did look like some kind of Secret Service or FBI agent. His incredible build, the dark sunglasses dangling from his coat pocket, and the knowledge of enigmatic things in his eyes.
When Chloe’s eyes flickered up to his face again and those his deep chocolate eyes latched onto hers, her heart shook like cold fizzy Coke against her ribs.
Agent Esposito spoke into the microphone, his manner easy and personable. “A few things to expect here at the Academy. There will be rigorous class lectures. Be prepared to study at least six hours a day, more when tests are scheduled. In addition to daily classroom work, there will be regular training in boxing, wrestling, running, tackling, and obstacle courses.”
Next to Chloe, Jenna perked up at that. The two of them had created their own obstacle course in the private gardens of the governor’s mansion, and Jenna beat Chloe’s time regularly. The girl loved crawling through water and mud. The memory made her smile, but Liam was still talking, and he had the kind of voice that demanded her undivided attention.
“Several times a week you’ll be at the gun range. You must always score at least an 80 on the pistol qualifications course in order to graduate on time with your class. Pistol, rifle, and shotgun to be exact.”
Chloe gave an inward smile. This was one of her strong areas.
“I hope you already know how to swim, people,” Liam went on, consulting a leather enclosed notebook he’d placed on the lectern. “Or else you’ll drown the first time we throw you into the pool. You’ll do various exercises in the pool. How to get out of a rope tied around you or handcuffs for one thing, as well you’ll be required to jump off the high dive to learn how to safely drop into the water from a height.”
Liam glanced up quickly, but it seemed as though Chloe was the only one his gaze actually landed on. When Chloe gave him a small smile of acknowledgment, he cleared his throat. Did she make him uncomfortable? Probably not, but it was an intriguing idea.
“You will also take the Emergency Vehicle Operations Course—called the EVOC for short—and learn how to operate a car at high speed without killing yourself or others.”
A few titters of laughter shot through the room.
“This is the short list, people. A few other surprises like the Yellow Brick Road, daily run
s on the grounds, as well as training at Hogan’s Alley will give you a great experience and turn you into decent agents. I’ll be the one supervising Hogan’s Alley and the gun range. But you never know when I’ll show up to get in your face or toss you onto the wrestling mat for a round to toughen you up.”
Agent Wells stepped forward. “Thank you, Agent Esposito. Tomorrow we’ll put you through your first physical test so get a good night’s sleep. There are basic requirements for timed runs, push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups so I hope you’ve already started practicing—if you’re smart and motivated—which we assume you are or you wouldn’t be here. You must show steady improvement over the next twenty weeks—or you go home. Now go finish unpacking and get some sleep, NATs. See you tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. I recommend eating breakfast first.”
There were a few more quiet chuckles, and then Agents Wells and Fedorko stepped away from the podium, gave the NATs a quick, silent nod, and then left the room.
The rookies shuffled in their chair desks as if uncertain what they should do.
Liam Esposito was the last to leave. “You’ve officially been dismissed. Get out of here,” he said, then strode from the room.
Chloe had hoped for a final nod from the man, but disappointment rushed over her when Liam didn’t, as if she’d suddenly turned invisible.
“So, Chloe,” Jenna drawled in her best southern accent, lowering her voice. “So the mystery man from the airport is actually Special Agent Liam Esposito, huh? Knock me over with a feather. And he’s gonna be one of our trainers and bosses for the next five months?”
“Hubba, hubba,” Lindsey said, getting up from her chair down the row to nudge Chloe. “Agent Esposito is hot.”
“I heard that, girl,” Marla said, joining them. “He’s what I call a babe magnet—and I call dibs just so you all know that,” she added, her voice rising as if to warn away any of the other new trainees. “I’d love to wrestle with him on the mats sometime.”
“Take a number,” another woman said.
A few other female NATs concurred, and Chloe found herself tongue-tied, unsure of how to compose herself or what to say. She shrugged and put on an air of nonchalance. Under her breath, she warned Jenna, “Not another word, girlfriend.”
The last thing she wanted any of the female NATS to know was that she and Liam Esposito had already met—if wrestling over luggage at the airport qualified as actually meeting.
“Gotcha,” Jenna nodded, her eyes skimming over the faces of the other women as they made various comments about Agent Esposito’s physique and charm.
A stab of annoyance pricked at Chloe. It bothered her to hear the other women talking about him like he was a piece of meat. It might have been silly, but she had seen him first. And they had flirted while their fingers sizzled on his black suitcase.
Excusing herself, Chloe said goodnight and headed toward the stairs to return to the living quarters. Behind her, one of the women said in a low voice, “What’s her problem? She some goody two-shoes who can’t talk about the best-looking man I’ve seen since Brad Pitt first came on the Hollywood scene. Before his two wives got their claws into him.”
“I don’t know . . .” Lindsey said wistfully. “Chris Evans and his shield make my heart pound.”
“Captain America?” Marla interjected. “So very all-American and apple pie,” she added with a laugh. “Must be why you want to be an FBI agent. I like my men more dangerous, older, and much, much richer. Like Tony Stark.”
“You okay?” Jenna asked Chloe on the way back to their room.
“They’re ridiculous,” Chloe retorted, shaking her long, dark hair. “Except Robert Downey Junior was brilliant in the movie, Only You. A must-see film from the 90s.”
“Only because you’re an old movie buff,” Jenna said with an indulgent smile.
“It’s not that old!” Chloe sighed. “I have got to stop thinking about him. Erase him from my brain.”
“That makes me think of that song from South Pacific,” Jenna said, linking her arm through Chloe’s. “‘I’m Gonna Wash that Man Right out of My Hair—and Send Him on His Way.’”
“Now you’re talking! I’m an idiot, Jenna, that’s all there is to it.”
“Wash who out of your hair?” a male voice said, coming up behind them.
Chloe whirled. Liam Esposito was moving briskly through the wide hallway, and the sight of him made her heart shoot straight into her throat.
“What?” she stammered.
“You were talking about washing your hair. And some man. I think you were referring to one of the songs from the musical, South Pacific.”
“I’m sure you misheard us,” Chloe said, stumbling over her words while her face flamed.
Despite her burning cheeks, her eyes zeroed in on Liam’s face. A man who knew old movies! And musicals no less. Most men she dated had no idea what she was talking about when she mentioned Fred & Ginger and their dancing prowess. The African Queen. Charade. The Philadelphia Story. All About Eve. Vertigo. Even Gone with the Wind was a movie most guys had only heard their grandmothers talk about, but never personally seen.
“I have pretty good hearing,” he said, grinning at her with a flash of perfect white teeth and a mouth that boasted the best lips Chloe had ever seen.
Her eyes were riveted to his face like a magnet, and it took an enormous amount of willpower to break off her stare instead of fantasizing about what his lips tasted like.
“Or maybe it’s my eyesight that’s lacking,” Liam Esposito went on, falling into stride beside Chloe while Jenna made a show of moving to the other side of Chloe. “I had this amusing scuffle over my suitcase tags earlier.”
“You, sir, are a tease,” Chloe shot back. “I apologize for being so obtuse at the baggage carousel today. It was clearly my eyesight that was lacking.”
“Well, Agent Chloe Romano, Quantico should fix that. You’ll have a lot of practice attending to detail, and doing so much analysis your brain might melt. If not, I fear you won’t be here for long, and that would be a shame.”
What did he mean by that? Chloe wondered. She blew out a breath. “I’m well aware of that, Special Agent Esposito.”
His smile was magnetic. “The luggage scuffle is starting to make sense now. Nerves?”
“Nope,” Chloe bluffed. “Just anticipation of being here at last.”
“A dream come true?”
“Something like that,” she answered vaguely, not wanting to sound like a little kid at Christmas. She wanted to be a professional. Clever and smart. And impress the socks off Agent Wells and Fedorko—and Special Agent Liam Esposito. Except being in his presence was throwing her off balance. In a minute, she’d start drooling or babbling incoherently.
“It’s a dream come true for all the NATs although nobody wants to admit it out loud. Are you feeling better now?”
“Okay, I’ll admit it,” Chloe said. “Better—and worse. My stomach has been taken over by killer butterflies competing to turn my brain into scrambled eggs.”
Agent Esposito grinned, his eyes focused on her face. “I’ll let you both go unpack and get some sleep. The first day, tomorrow, will wear you out.”
“Is that a threat or a promise?”
Jenna let out a small groan as if embarrassed for Chloe who silently chided herself. She was flirting shamelessly with an agent who was her superior. Had she no sense at all?
When Liam turned to head down another corridor, Jenna grabbed Chloe’s arm, rolling her eyes. “What is the matter with you, woman?”
All of a sudden Liam turned back—his dark, wavy hair falling over his eyes that reminded her of melted chocolate. “Hey, name your favorite Jimmy Stewart movie.”
“Do I have to choose?” she returned with a laugh. “It’s a toss-up between Rear Window and It’s a Wonderful Life.”
He nodded approvingly. “Brilliant holiday nostalgia and a crime whodunit. Although Rear Window isn’t exactly a whodunit—trying not to get murdered when the killer starts
to stalk you. Sort of like the FBI. We’re always trying to figure out mysteries around here.”
“That’s one reason I joined,” Chloe said. “Among other things.”
Agent Esposito slowly walked backward down the hall. “I’d be interested to hear more about those ’other things’.”
Chloe tried to give him a mysterious smile and hoped it didn’t come across as a stupid grimace—right before Liam lifted his hand in a brief wave before disappearing around another corner.
Jenna tugged Chloe up the staircase, speaking in hushed tones. “You’ve got it bad, girl.”
“Was I too obvious?”
“Borderline. But you still might be toast. All I can say is, you have to ignore Special Agent Esposito and keep yourself from getting burned. Going down that path will only lead to heartache. I can predict it.”
“Are you having agent’s intuition?” Chloe asked.
“Call it women’s intuition. Best friend intuition. That guy is going to break your heart. If Lindsey or Marla—or one of the other NATs doesn’t get her claws into him first.”
Chapter 5
“I’m not going to get burned,” Chloe said later when she was brushing her teeth while Jenna rubbed cleansing cream into her skin.
“It’s way too obvious how attracted you are to the guy. He’s our superior officer, for crying out loud.”
Chloe spit out the last of the toothpaste and rinsed. “Is it obvious to everyone else? I don’t want to get kicked out of Quantico.”
“You won’t get kicked out, you’re too good at everything. But you might have competition—and I don’t mean competition on the gun range.”
“Yeah, I heard those other female classmates. Everybody is gaga over Liam Esposito. Burns me up. I saw him first.”
Holding her stomach, Jenna almost choked with laughter. “Do you hear yourself?”